Welcome To Honey Hill!
What Is Honey Hill?Simply put, Honey Hill is my home away from home! 。^‿^。 I've dabbled in website making for the past few months and after saying so a million times, I felt like it was time to take it seriously. Why not stick to something that makes me happy! Honey Hill is my own corner of the internet where I'm allowed to say and do whatever I want without censorship, and I intend to take full advantage of that!
Why Honey Hill?Truly, the catalyst for taking this whole project seriously (or, more serious than my past attempts at webmaking) was getting an unused Twitter account banned for seemingly no reason... why ban someone with 0 followers, 0 following and junk tweets? It makes no sense! So, I set out to carve out a place where I can say and do as I please! Honey Hill was born taking inspiration from my first Animal Crossing town name because I could make that place what I wanted, so I'll make this place what I want! And truly:
(all my homies hate twitter!)
Anyways, What Can I Find In Honey Hill?Anything and everything! I want to be able to have a place where I express myself and talk about my interests freely while also offering things for my visitors to have fun and maybe learn a lil something new!! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Bug is currently feeling:

The Web is currently feeling: